搜索 Perry

  • Texas Ranger Daniel Custer leaves for Vietnam to find his brother Michael, a Green Beret Lieutenant who has been reported missing in action. Michael's squad was searching for a mysterious group of 'phantom soldiers' that had been using US-made arms for massacring villages and killing unarmed civilians. Daniel goes out …
  • 泰勒·派瑞汇集《我为什么结婚了?》原班人马打造其续集《我怎么又结婚了?》。8位大学时期的好友相约来到巴哈马进行一年一度的聚会,但这次与以往不同的是希拉的丈夫不再是迈克了。而就在老友相谈甚欢的时候,迈克出现了,他要毁掉希拉现在的婚姻,企图和希拉重归于好。他的出现彻底影响了其他人的心情,他们开始各自审视自己的婚姻。安吉拉如…
  • 影片是关于牙买加民族英雄——“雷鬼教父”Bob Marley(鲍勃·马利)的音乐纪录片。最早在2009年,马丁·斯科塞斯原定为美国制片公司韦恩斯坦执导这部影片,定于2010年2月6日上映,那是正好是马利的65岁诞辰纪念日。斯科塞斯曾经执导过Bob Dylan的纪录片《No Direction Home》以及滚石纪录片《Shine A Light》,不啻为最理想的导演…
  • 剧情片
    A working-class fable about a biker, a mermaid and three shades of blue.
  • Can a rough cowboy lay down his arms for the quiet life of a farmer? Or will the murderous attack by an arch-enemy force him back into action? John Wayne stars in this classic 1947 frontier drama (now in a new, computer-colorized version) as a one-time outlaw facing a difficult dilemma. As the quickest-triggered man in…
  • 科幻片灾难
  • Terrifying, bloody, suspenseful, brutal, ultra-explosive commando actioner from the Philippines! The American army forms a special squad of "rats" to fight the Vietcongs that use underground tunnels as their hideouts. Their leader is Yian Drom, a sadistic commander. Following their special training, they ente…
  • Till You're Told To Stop is a unique independent film that follows the career of British singer songwriter James Blunt.Till You're Told To Stop是一部独家完整记录英国歌手JAMES BLUNT事业历程的影片We witness the steps the singer took to start in the music …
  • 科幻片奇幻
    Siren Phillips has lived her life thinking she's an ordinary girl, in an ordinary town. On the eve of her twelfth birthday, however, she learns that she is far from ordinary. Destined to turn into a Mermaid at the age of twelve, Siren must struggle with her new reality, saying good-bye to her mother and friends, while …
  • 主角耶利米的生財架生一頭牛和貨車給偷了。他找警察報案,其間發現一幫少年在密謀綁架一名少女Helena,而當中的密謀主腦就是村裏的富家子。貪污和貧窮、警察和無政府狀態,才是導演要講的故事。如果身為警察的審判者都貪污,正道何在?結果耶利米去教堂找神父,神父叫他找警察。耶利米說警察都找過,可是警察也勸他不要多事。神父叫他祈禱求神幫…