- 一个名叫Anna的漂亮姑娘,满怀热情地管理着一个非洲乐队——“旦旦”。为了提高她的乐队的声誉,她利用了一位非洲部长访问法国的官方欢迎会,不料这个玩笑惹来了麻烦。原来这位部长是为了与法国洽谈铀的交易而来的,Anna此举无疑破坏了谈判的气氛。于是她们被控干扰谈判及涉嫌间谍而受到警察的追踪。与此同时,Anna爱上了法国部长的助手,而为了…
- As a young man in the late Sixties, Greg Davis served for three years in the U.S. Army in Vietnam. The area where he was stationed was one of many throughout the country sprayed by the military, as part of its counterinsurgency strategy, with millions of gallons of defoliants, including Agent Orange, which contains dio…
- Muestra a trabajadores levantándose a horas intempestivas para trasladandose de sus casas hasta las paradas de los autobuses que les llevaban al centro de Barcelona, a Placa Catalunya y a Urquinaona, donde hacían corrillos esperando a que …
- The importance "marginal" cinema takes on in portraying the city was ratified by the orderly and well funded television series Cronica d'una mirada, broadcast by Canal 33, in which I was able to recognise BTV's documentary yearning for "the other account" of a time and a place. The series travelled …