- UnemployedCzech-speakingwriterNicholasWhistlerthinkshe'sgotajobvisitingPragueforabitofindustrialespionage.InfactheisnowintheemployofBritishIntelligence.HisprettychauffeuseonarrivalbehindtheIronCurtain,ComradeSimonova,isherselfaCzechagent.Justaswellshe'simmediatelyattractedto007'sunwittingreplacement.
- The comedy of a thinking man who wants his philosophical views to be taken seriously when he is nothing but a failed filmmaker. Stavros teaches at a film school. He asks the scripts to have some deep meaning. So, he has very few students in his class and loses his job. He decides to write down his thoughts about deeper…
- 电影《榴花正红》以枣庄市选聘离岗退休干部到村任职和大学生村官工作为题材,以社会主义新农村建设的伟大实践为背景,以弘扬党的先进性为主旋律,以到村任职离岗退休干部宋茂胜等同志为原型,主要拍摄地为山亭、市中、峄城、台儿庄,熊耳山大裂谷、冠世榴园、台儿庄古城、新城凤鸣湖等枣庄市的风景名胜均被搬上了电影,并以实名制在影片中出现。
- When lost footage from the 1920s depicting a corporate land grab in the early days of globalization arrives back in Liberia, it sparks inquiry into how Liberians lost sovereignty over the very land that sustains them.
- The three Morgan brothers, Glenn, Jim and Buddy are all air mail pilots. The plane flown by Jim is shot down by Hugh Jeffries for the money it carries. Another flight is made by Buddy followed by Jeffries intending to shoot him down also...