- Romane and Philippe separate. After 10 years together, two children and a dog, they do not love each other anymore. Finally - they are no longer in love. But they love each other, anyway. Many. To really part? In short - It's vague. Then, under the watchful eye of those around them, they give birth to a "separatio…
- 加布里由于打架被学校开除,而父母整天吵架闹离婚,对此,年幼的加布里害怕自己会被父母抛弃,整日郁郁寡欢。一天,母亲把加布里送到外祖父家,和蔼的外祖父给他讲了一个关于纳希雅传奇的神话故事:在很久很久以前,遥远的星球上有一个小村庄的人生活在那里,野蛮的斯图福斯人洗劫了村庄,把所有村民都杀了,唯独纳希雅活了下来,但却不幸被抓。…