- The Pickup Game is an inside look at the emergence of the 'pickup' industry - a business where self-styled seduction coaches travel the world, charging a small fortune to teach men skills they claim will guarantee success with women. For the instructors who are successful, it is a highly lucrative occupation, with many…
- <p> 极限战士团获得一个来自帝国神社世界的求救信号,一个完整的帝国公司掌握着那里,外界没有更多的消息,极限战士团打算调查那里看发生了什么事情。<br/> 《战鎚40K》的故事发生在遥远的未来。在《战鎚40K》的世界中,人类已经征服了不少星球。在人类君王的统治下,极限战士团的士兵们勇猛的和宇宙中的各种势力作战。虽然游…