- From TWI STUDIOS ( The fun, friendly makers of: FRANKENPIMP!, VIXEN HIGHWAY 2006: It Came From Uranus, & ACID HEAD: The Buzzard Nuts County Slaughter ), comes this reimagining /regurgitation and re-dubbing of a classic silent horror flick! Shot in mind-shattering 2D (& 36DD), featuring T&A and epic voice-over 'voom', b…
- For four hundred years or more, Highland regiments advanced and attacked to the sound of the bagpipes. In the Great War, pipers climbed out of the trenches, unarmed, to face machine guns and shells. The descendants of those men return to the battlefields to discover individual stories of unparalleled bravery.
- 羽がちぢれて飛べないホタルのピピは乱暴者のショウやわがままなミミにいじめられる悲しい日々。しかし、ある出来事をきっかけに他のホタルたちと仲良くなります。「ボクはひとりじゃなかった…」と喜ぶピピ。しかし、楽しい仲間ができたのもつかの間、突然の嵐に襲われます。安心して住める場所を求め旅立ったピピと仲間たちの行方は…。
- Welcome to the great big world of The Little Twins. No taller than a daisy or a mushroom, young Piper and Petal enjoy one adventrue after another on Krockle, the magical island they call home. Filled with enchantment and a love of animals and the environment, each story offers the joys of life, family, and friendship.