搜索 Popovic

  • One of the best films made between the two world wars was In God We Trust (Sa verom u boga), 1932, which was directed by Mihajlo Al. Popovic, the owner of MAP Film and a well-known cameraman. Many companies closed down after 1933, while the remaining ones stagnated, making documentaries and films on order from time to …
  • 1389年6月28日,塞尔维亚王国的Lazar王子率军在科索沃平原与奥斯曼Murad的大军展开决战,为后世书写了一首悲壮的史诗。本片为纪念这一历史事件600周年而拍摄
  • 围绕90年代中期当红男星卢卡斯故事系列的收尾篇。
  • A tragicomic tale of lumberjack who joined the partisans during WW2. As a corporal, he successfully and courageously fulfilled the combat tasks with his partisan battalion. The commander sends him on a special assignment.
  • Once a servant, a lonely herdsman in the mountain, in times of ruffians and murderer occupation - Maksim, in the name of dark political conceptions, is terrorizing a few villages in an isolated mountain area. Under the black-marketeer disguise, a city woman keeps constant contact between the town and the mountain villa…
  • Through the story of a typical family Montenegrin generated by the almost documentary odslikao enthusiasm with which the Montenegrins visit to Dubrovnik serbian "went to revenge for the Battle of Kosovo in the fight against the American-vatikanske conspiracy, her mother NATO Covenant and everything else that was o…
  • 罗马尼亚著名儿童片导演Andrei Blaier的处女作,48分钟。黑白摄影VERYGOOD。5/5Ora H(Ora H) (România, comedie, alb-negru) )Descriere pe scurt:Pelicula este o ecranizare a nuvelei "Muzicuţa cu schimbător" de Nicuţă Tănase. Acţiunea filmului scoate…
  • 自行车赛终于来到冠军战,领先群雄的两位参赛者不分轩轾。但他们心中想的倒不是冠军奖杯,而是在终点站等待的性感女神。翻跃千山万岭,飙速经过海岸线,急于穿越的却是她双腿之间的峡谷。当意气风发的船长归来海港城镇,谁才是女神心中的冠军?
  • 本片由前南著名女演员Mira Stupica主演,她被公认为20世纪南斯拉夫影史上最伟大的女演员,曾3次获得普拉电影节最佳女主角奖,一次德国电影杰出个人成就奖,2007年获南斯拉夫电影终身成就奖,在2000年Vecernje novosti杂志评选的20世纪南斯拉夫最佳男女演员的名单中她排在首位。The war wind has passed, leaving perm…