搜索 Porche

  • 海外剧
    电影《天才枪手》小说作者,17年S.E.A. Write Award获奖泰国作家Jidanun Lueangpiansamut ร เรือในมหาสมุท (S for Ship at Sea)@ald_aruza 的BL作品改编,Star Hunter Entertainment 制作 12月进行Casting。温柔反派明星演员X冷静淡然工程师身为演员,Feung Nakhon向来是反派担当,可私底下的他却是温柔体贴、笑脸…
  • When Jimmy Preston goes missing in the small town of Brookhaven, Mississippi, the gossip circle formed by three women (Ann, Jenny and Patsy) become amateur detectives in an effort to solve his disappearance.
  • Made for the televison. based on the Jean Paul Sartre book with the same title.Hugo, giovane intellettuale appena uscito di prigione dove ha scontato due anni per la morte del capo di partito Hoederer, ottiene di poter dimostrare la vera ragione per cui ha ucciso: assassinio politico, un banale incidente o un delitto p…
  • 泰国剧
  • 核游民们
    柏林电影节德国透视单元。 The French workers who clean nuclear reactors are exposed to high levels of radiation. With impressive images the film portrays “nuclear nomads” who travel from one nuclear power plant to another in caravans, risking the…
  • 剧情片剧情
    The story revolving around a sixty-something man who rocks up in Marseille, develops a close bond with a young, local gang, becomes infatuated with a dealer, brings a band back together again, and hangs out in the town. What does he want? Is he using his grief as an excuse to play with fire and get on everyone’s nerves…