- Shortly after artist Dan Robert Lahiani arrived at the 12th floor of the Clal Building for an osteopathic session, his personal quest for connection, home, and healing became entangled with the dilapidated and crumbling building’s angsts, aches, and neglect.
- 倔强的人为了爱人奔走在空城,讨血汗钱的农民工巧合下驰援武汉,抗疫前线的人们除了顶着高压还要学会告别,后方阵地的社区工作者照顾居民却把风险留给了自己,平时疏于交流的父子也被迫日夜相处。总有一些措手不及的事情发生,但也总有一颗治愈的种子在人们心中生根发芽,这是一部关于春天和希望的电影。
- A three-part limited docuseries that takes an in-depth look at the notorious Queens, New York gang, and tells the real story from the mouths of its two leaders and family members, Kenneth "Supreme" McGriff and Gerald "Prince'' Miller.