- A young lad is brainwashed into thinking his only way out of his life on a London Estate is to become a football hooligan and fight his way out. When his best friend tries to steer him in the right path, there is a tragic turn of events.
- 遥远的石器时代,阳光明媚的大草原上,穴居人老爸正坐在树下逗弄着他可爱的儿子。这时候小宝宝哇哇大哭,原来小家伙饿肚子了。老爸站起身准备给儿子找吃的,这时发现附近那棵香蕉树的所有果实全部被两只小黄人一扫而空。孩子哭得越来越厉害,老爸自然怒火中烧。正当他准备好好教训这两只小黄人的时候,父子俩同时发现不远处有一头正在吃草的野牛…
- An outlaw, the Llano Kid is the scourge of south Texas and a Bible quoting lawman named Thacker. The kid joins a con man in a plot to deceive a wealthy old woman that he's her long-lost son and heir. Traveling to Mexico, move into the luxurious hacienda, but the Kid soon grows to love the woman and the beautiful neighb…