- 在1927年的“七一五”反革命政变中,为了营救共产党员任致远,夏恒煊慨然赴死,留下妹妹夏雨竹与丫头霜菊相依为命。柔弱的雨竹独自谋生,霜菊则在恒煊恋人肖成碧的引荐下加入了国民党特务组织。几年后雨竹偶然营救了任致远。致远牺牲后,雨竹受感召成为中共地下情工作人员,与此同时霜菊在特务组织内获得重用和提拔。抗战爆发,雨竹和霜菊再次相…
- 彗星到来的夜晚,城市的一隅,咸鱼馆开始了营业。店主是灵叔,他做的一手好菜远近闻名,一些上班族和学生络绎不绝而来。趁着彗星来临的奇妙之夜,灵叔每晚都会以咸鱼和Rose为主角,向观众讲述一个个神奇而美妙的故事,关于未来,关于爱情,关于友情和亲情。人生困境,感情徘徊,一出出充满人情味和生活气息的故事,搭配着咸鱼馆的酸甜苦辣咸,有…
- The story of a man going through an identity crisis, finding a new home in a mystically beautiful, feral landscape. The story, too, of a man who must break the curse set by his mother out of love for his father. Thirty years have passed when Črt returns to his birth village, Trigrad, upon his father's death, to sell th…
- His theme is the criminal potential of our society, his heroes oscillate between business class and hopelessness. The film accompanies the Swiss bestselling author Martin Suter through his literary and private cosmos. Blurring the boundaries between fiction and documentary, the film allows Martin Suter to immerse himse…
- Lucy likes Anton and Anton likes Lucy. As both are having two "cool looking drinks," Anton reveals that he is HIV positive. Meanwhile Lucy has to realize that her HIV education is in pretty bad shape.