  • 邪恶的白雪皇后想要统治整个世界,她想到了一个妙招,找到了邪恶的魔镜,她打算利用魔镜将世界上所有的光都反射出去,这样,失去了光明的世界就会永远的被冻结起来。哪知道,在运输魔镜的过程中发生了意外,导致魔镜碎裂,拥有着邪恶力量的魔镜碎片散落到了人间,其中有两片不巧落在了男孩汤姆的身上,导致汤姆的性格大变,变得自私而又冷漠。白…
  • Three couples find their destinies irrevocably intertwined in a fusion of obsession and fragile love when a six-year-old girl finds a junkie's discarded needle while playing in her backyard.一位6岁的小女孩在后院玩耍时发现一个丢弃的毒品针头。此刻,三对夫妇发现,他们的命运因为妄想和脆弱爱情的融合而不可逆转地纠缠在了一起。
  • It's Millennium Eve and Blackadder is hosting a dinner party for a few select friends, Lady Elizabeth ('Miranda Richardson' ), Viscount George (Hugh Laurie), Archbishop Melchett (Stephen Fry), and Archbishop Darling (Tim McInnerny). Baldrick (Tony Robinson) devises yet another of his infamous cunning plans to help his …
  • TheSecretPoliceman'sOtherBall
  • 近年米奇更有了全新的3D面貌,除了以3D造型在第75届奥斯卡金像奖担任动画类奖项的颁奖人,迪士尼世界并且推出了【米奇魔幻交响乐】(Mickey's Philharmagic)游乐设施,3D、声、光让米奇造型更为动感
  • The entire cast of Blackadder appear together in a documentary for the first time as they mark 25 years of cunning plans and dastardly deeds. The show includes an exclusive in-depth interview with Edmund Blackadder himself, Rowan Atkinson, the first time he has agreed to be interviewed about his experiences making the …
  • 一个患有自闭症的七岁男孩,他的父母为了打开他的心房,带着他从美国来到外蒙古,寻找古老的萨满,希望通过马背上的草原生活取得效果。这是一部充满草原风情、温馨亲情的纪录片。OVER THE HILLS AND FAR AWAY chronicles the journey of the Isaacson family as they travel through Mongolia in search…
  • 喜剧片冒险
  • 剧情片剧情
    本片根据真人真事改编。Bobby(瑞恩·凯利 Ryan Kelley 饰)是一个善良、虔诚的少年,有爱他的家人。但在他向家人坦白自己的性倾向后一切改变了。母亲Mary(西格妮·韦弗 Sigourney Weaver 饰)认为同性恋会下地狱的训诫,想尽办法矫正儿子。而Bobby的痛苦与日俱增。在满20岁生日前Bobby认识了开朗青年David,可Mary拒绝接受,并以有一…