搜索 Radha

  • 一名沉迷于网络摄影机和窥淫癖的已婚男子,在一位网路陌生人企图逼他观看他人自杀后,遭遇远远超出预期的后果。
  • Khap,a contemporary tale of traditional massacre opens in the capital where two youths Ria and Kush fall in love. Meanwhile news channels highlight the death of Veer and Surili,who are found dead in Omkar Chaudhary’s village.Ria has no idea that Omkar is her grandfather.Madhur, Ria’s father,had left his native village …
  • Two lovers, Yoga and Parvathi, meet on the battlefield of the Sri Lankan civil war. As the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam attack the Sri Lankan army and tighten their grip on the Tamil people, Yoga and Parvathi struggle with feelings for each other and their own commitments to the LTTE. Parvathi's family is relocated…
  • 一个在美国加州生化实验室工作的科学家Govind因发现他们所制造出来的病毒武器可能会给人类带来灾难性的危害,于是决定要将它毁灭。但他的老板却有意将此武器出售给恐怖组织,另一位美国前中央情报局的探员Fletcher为了个人私欲也想拥有此武器,于是嫁祸Govind为恐怖份子,一段跨国大追捕的行动因此而展开。全片制作精良,动作场景火爆,并名列史…
  • 俗话说:”自古好汉无好妻,赖汉娶个娇滴滴“。本片的男主人公阿里亚就是这样一个”赖汉“。当他遇了被校霸阿杰纠缠的美女基塔时,对其发动了”赖汉攻略“。而身陷烦恼的基塔对阿里亚的各种骚扰不胜其烦,对她来说,爱情简直变成了一种巨大的折磨。”赖汉攻略“还能发挥作用吗?三人在遭遇无数尴尬爆笑的故事后,美女基塔会情归何处?真正会打动…
  • Radha lives a poor lifestyle in Brindavan, India. When London-based Deepak Rai comes for a visit, they meet, fall in love and get married. Deepak returns home and informs his parents, who are displeased as they have arranged his marriage with Dolly, the daughter of Kuldeep's friend, Sukhdev Thakur. Shortly thereafter D…
  • 维维克,班加罗尔的摇滚小青年,他的家庭以参军为传统但是他却一心追求自己的音乐梦想。他和他的乐队即将去海德拉巴演出,似乎他的梦想可以得以实现,但是事与愿违,由于他的漫不经心,乐队错过了飞机,不得已改为开车前往,谁知漫漫路上又生波澜。萨柔佳,孤儿,从小在妓院长大。妓院老板娘养大她,指望依靠天生丽质的她大捞一笔。而萨柔佳,一…
  • Two brothers namely the eldest Baba and the younger one Avinash live in a small apartment in a Bombay city slum. Another orphan named Nawab reside there with them along with there widowed mother. They had many misadventures in life and so they now relocate to an old man house who calls himself Uncle but is known as an …
  • 大队长卡兰.辛(Sanjay Dutt) 曾经是一名军人. 有一天, 当卡兰.辛发现父亲在监狱里自杀, 但他不相信, 这里面肯定有阴谋. 他怀疑大律师拉维.维尔马(Chandrachur Singh) 造成这些阴谋. 卡兰.辛非常愤怒,公众大街上枪毙了拉维.维尔马和他的妻子卡佳拉.维尔马(Mahima Chaudhry) . 幸亏拉维.维尔马没死, 但他的妻子卡佳拉.维尔马当场死亡. …