- 拥有音乐才华、天赋异禀的吴沛珊(吴莫愁 饰)在哥哥(华少 饰)的极力反对下不得不怀着遗憾报考了工商管理。即将开始的音乐节,是吴沛珊实现音乐梦想、让哥哥重新认识自己的最好舞台……同为热爱音乐的李子扬(李代沫 饰)是一位在酒吧工作的“草根”乐者。吴沛珊阴差阳错地与李子扬结识,并无意中发现了隐藏在李子扬心中不为人知的声乐才华。…
- Two young people, somewhat wary of love, spend a summer together in Europe making a film about people's attitude towards love. Tanner and Christian realize that they're actually filming their own love story, but they have no idea that their film will ultimately save Christian's life after tragedy strikes them both.
- The film is a journey in the history of romanian animation film. Obviously a trip back in time, but a journey with the help of old movies to the public today. A journey, a story, a story told primarily in the most demanding public, kids. A trip made by a movie animation. Also it is a documentary. For this purpose we us…
- OVAバンダイビジュアルより発売(VHS・LD)。全4巻だが、後半2巻はロボットアニメの番外編「聖羅ヴィクトリー」。監督:西島克彦 制作:アニメイトフィルム卒業 ~Graduation~1.いつまでも一緒にいられたら2.それぞれの明日聖羅ヴィクトリー1.花鳥風月 乙女の舞! 事件だョ、全員集合!!2.波乱万丈 乙女のピンチ! 悪しき魔性に桜散る!?