- 卢卡和古斯塔夫必须做出一个决定:他们该继续留在意大利,还是像他们的朋友一样,离开这里呢?高昂的生活消费水平,社保的缺失,陈腐的大学教育体制,对人权的无视和人性的冷漠,都是人们离开意大利的理由。为了寻找继续留在这个国度的理由,他们同意用六个月的时间周游意大利,看看能否再次燃起对这片土地的热爱。他们会驾驶着一辆老式菲亚特5…
- An epic struggle between wise powerful wizard Zorak along with his mighty sidekick Zeist (played by the most underrated magnificent actor Robert Z'dar) who want to make the world a better place, and on the other side four evil and pretty dumb children who are way too young to kill but they do it fiercly commanded by a …