搜索 Ratio

  • K-Classics Generation
    The film traces the career of some of the winners of this new generation nicknamed the "K-Classics Generation", including the 2 recent winners of the Queen Elisabeth Competition, the soprano Hwang Sumi and the violinist Lim Jiyoung. In Korea, where it all began, and in Germany where most of them have settled.
  • The Endangered Generation?
    Combining modern science with ancient First Nations knowledge, The Endangered Generation? seeks new ways of thinking about the many crises facing our planet.
  • 泰国剧剧情
  • The Art of Incarceration
    Seen through the eyes of Indigenous prisoners at Victoria’s Fulham Correctional Centre, director Alex Siddons explores how art and culture can empower First Nations people to transcend their unjust cycles of imprisonment.THE ART OF INCARCE…
  • 喜剧片冒险
    历经艰辛刚摆脱非洲土人的追杀,飞鹰Jackie(成龙)就接到伯爵的急电,要其迅速赶到西班牙。二战末期,知道自己来日不多的德国纳粹把在欧洲抢掠所得的数万吨黄金隐藏在了非洲撒哈拉大沙漠一个秘密基地,伯爵急电Jackie,正是要其配合冷艳的考古专家Ada(郑裕玲)再赴非洲寻找这批黄金,途中,藏金副官的外孙女Elsa加入寻宝队伍。\r\n  费…
  • 欧美剧冒险
  • 韩国剧剧情
    洋溢着青春气息的大学校园里,劲辉(张翰 饰)、冯松(王啸坤 饰)等人立下了“兄弟盟约”,希望以此来维持他们之间的友谊。然而事与愿违,冯松喜欢上了名为朱婷(施雨斐 饰)的漂亮女孩,然而,令他没有想到的是,朱婷的芳心早就有了归属,那就是样貌英俊有着校草美誉的劲辉,然而落花有 意流水无情,劲辉的眼中只有身材性感火爆的周蕙(陈乔恩…
  • 韩国剧爱情
    姜柏豪(俞承豪 饰)暗恋韩尹瑟(朴恩彬 饰)20年,如今她却与他人结婚,这让柏豪内心无比酸楚无奈。怀着纠结的心情参加完婚礼,他发现了尹瑟写给自己的信,信中的内容令柏豪大放悲声。原来,早在中学时期,尹瑟就暗中喜欢上了柏豪,只是没勇气表达出来而已,知晓真相的柏豪万分后悔,他多想时光倒流一切从头再来。就在这时,心遂所愿,一个自称…
  • Vibrations - Inner Music
    Deaf dancer Kassandra Wedel flips the switch on epectations of sound and movement as she conducts her own piece, using patterns and rhythms from her urban environment. Closed captions and choreography serve as the source of the music, with her band interpreting her dancing and not the other way around, to pose a unique…
  • 动作片动作