- An exclusive all-new interstitial content for the first time in 15 years. See the Cryptkeeper take a blast through the past, decomposing the best of the '70s, '80s, '90s and '00s, on his way to welcoming in 2013.
- 继影圈发生银鸡案后不久,娱乐圈再传出影星买淫事件,事件主角Rebekah因而名噪一时,轰动全港,虽然她巧妙地避开传媒的追捕,但报刊对她的不公平报道和假道学的舆论、亲朋的白眼,使她领会到人间无情。她在怒气难消的心境下,实行爆料手段,现身诉说圈中丑闻,男盗女娼,尔虞我诈。本片以疯狂搞笑手法、揭尽女明星、男艺员如何出钟交易,知名人…
- The film follows Chris Vale (Scot Nery), a young man who was wrongly convicted of murdering his family in 1982, and admitted into an insane asylum based largely on the fact that Chris had been found at home with the bodies by the police. After 10 years of life in the asylum, in which he has been bullied by inmates and …