- 《战神金刚:传奇的保护神》第8季、也是最后一季发布新预告,悲壮动人,“结局来了”。Honerva要启动死亡计划,而圣骑士们要全力阻止,保卫宇宙,Alura说:“这是我们拯救一切的唯一机会。”最终季将会很宏大也很私人,并将给出一个确定的结局。12月Netflix上线。
- Brother's Blood takes place on the mean streets of a city in decay, where a recently released convict begins to take murderous revenge against his childhood friends, whom he believes let him take the fall for a crime they collectively committed. As the bodies start piling up, one of the friends, now a cop, will stop at…
- 2010年9月11日,一年一度的伦敦BBC逍遥音乐节再次盛大闭幕,在皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅,数万疯狂乐迷和BBC交响乐团以及指挥贝罗拉维克度过难忘之夜。俄罗斯中提琴新星瑞萨诺夫献上洛可可主题变奏曲的中提琴版,美国女高音弗莱明演唱多首歌剧中的爱情咏叹调。这场马拉松音乐会按照传统在《统治不列颠》、《威仪堂皇第一号》中结束。
- In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, music can save the soul of the city, but can the musicians save themselves?“If the musicians ain’t got a chance to live, then what chance has the music got?” Dr John.One Note at a Time is a beautifull…