搜索 Reneé

  • 东方快车,从慕尼黑到威尼斯的夜游,因为威尼斯狂欢节的开始而满座。在乘客之间是记者、女演员和女儿、年长的舞者、五个新纳粹朋克和一个似乎对他们的梦想有某种影响的陌生人。
  • Belgrade, 1999. Producer Sergei and his film crew are in a disastrous situation - the film they're making is under threat - there's no money, the crew are dissatisfied - and NATO bombing is just around the corner. Then a member of the State Security Service (Mileta) comes looking for American co-producer Harvey. Anxiou…
  • An immovable woman meets an unstoppable girl in this musical quest to discover the meaning of transience and letting go.
  • New school headmaster and single mother Kathy discovers her vacation fling with charming 18-year-old Ian was no accident when he transfers to her school targeting Kathy and her teenage daughter Bree in a deadly scheme. Ian wants revenge as he believes Kathy is responsible for splitting up his family ultimately leading …
  • 一群考古学家在以色列的古城遗迹,发现了现存最古老的圣经古卷,古卷中记载着上帝要诺亚打造的第二座方舟,但这座方舟并非用来装载动物,而是为了将人间最恐怖的恶灵怪物放逐到世界尽头!然而恶灵的势力过于庞大,连当时的末日洪水也无法加以摧毁,邪恶势力就这样沉睡千年,只是没想到考古学家们误打误撞将方舟内的恶灵唤醒,他们必须摒除己见,…
  • Raised by his grandfather to adhere to the ancient laws of China, Mandarin Wu is a strict authoritarian. However, he is a doting father to his beautiful daughter Nang Ping. Nang Ping is to be married to a man of her father's choosing, a man she does not even know. But she falls in love with a dashing British visitor to…
  • 剧情片生活
    托米(路易斯·杜索尔 Louis Dussol 饰)打小和母亲贝蒂(玛丽·吉莲 Marie Gillain 饰)生活在地处偏远的农场中,生活虽然单调但也不失平静。对于父亲,尽管托米没有任何记忆,但他坚定的认为父亲是一名威风凛凛的宇航员,因此,每天夜晚,托米总是看着浩瀚的天空,幻想着有一天父亲能够从天而降回到自己的身边。对于托米的幻想,贝蒂既没有否…
  • 科幻片生活
    惹鬼回路2所发生的恐怖事情令大家无法忘记。在经过10年之后,这些不死之物又来侵犯我们的世界,这次,它们将会通过我们日常的用品 - 电子。Justine生活在一个只有少许科技用器的营里,她是一位17岁的年轻女孩过这平凡的生活,直到有一天。。。在她居住的地方外面,有一可疑的电脑本被丢弃,而充满好奇心的她尝试去解开秘密,惹鬼回路3就这样开…
  • 剧情片生活
    《女子监狱》Uzo Aduba、《恶魔之地》“Hippolyta” Aunjanue Ellis以及刚刚凭借《继承之战》“Lisa”获得艾美奖(剧情类)最佳客串女演员提名的Sanaa Lathan,三人将在探照灯影业的新片《厄尔自助餐厅的女子天团》(The Supremes At Earl's All-You-Can-Eat)组队。  本片改编自Edward Kelsey Moore于2013年出版的…