搜索 Reut

  • A playful comedia dell'arte from the 1600 century that was shown live on Swedish Television February 21st, 1958.A young beautiful man from Milan arrives at the carnival in Venice. He meets two flirtatious women.
  • The "Frog with the Mask" spreads fear and anxiety within the streets of London. The creature is hidden under a wide clergyman's robe, its face covered up and only two enormously frightening, gleaming eyes can be seen. Together with members of his gang the "Frog with the Mask" hunts down innocent vic…
  • Vicky will ein Star werden. Aber ihre Vorsprechtermine verlaufen katastrophal, nicht zuletzt wegen ihrem unüberhörbaren deutschen Akzent. In Wirklichkeit arbeitet sie als Kellnerin in New Yorker Bars. Die Welt scheint aus den Fugen zu gera…
  • Russie, 1905. Lasse de l'atmosphère antisémite de son village natal, la jeune Hanne Segal part à Saint-Pétersbourg rejoindre son frère Jacob qui, converti au christianisme, est devenu un riche avocat. Elle y retrouve aussi son ancien ami…
  • 动作片
    A good-natured man has an unexpected deadly confrontation. Instincts kick in to clean up the mess caused in the name of self-defense but does one really get away free after killing someone?
  • 17 岁的纳马·巴拉什 (Naama Barash) 喜欢喝酒、吸毒,和志同道合的朋友在一起。巴拉什的反叛行为其实 是为了从她父母的争吵中逃离,她有一个参军的叛逆的姐姐,然而有一天,她消失了。一个女孩来到巴拉什的 学校,她第一次坠入爱河,最初的经历让她困惑,但最终赋予了她新的人生意义。17 year old Naama Barash enjoys alco…
  • 超模女星伊莎貝拉史庫洛克主演,瑞典賣座片導演史蒂芬林德伯格執導。富家女薇若妮卡愛上正幫她整修廚房的木匠麥可,還未完工兩人便火速陷入熱戀。某次兩人一同到海邊豪宅與薇若妮卡的雙親度假,上流階級的生活讓麥可感到不自在,價值觀落差極大的兩人會有結果嗎?
  • 剧情片悬疑
  • 大牌导演马丁·斯科塞斯担任监制,将把乐迷的记忆牵回上世纪中期。马丁说:“感恩而死不只是一个乐队,他们是自己的星球,被无数粉丝拥戴。能加入这部电影,我非常荣幸。”这支史诗级的美国迷幻摇滚乐队创建于1969年,作为迷幻摇滚这一风格的创始鼻祖,感恩而死在美国乃至世界摇滚史上的重要地位不言而喻。这部长达4个多小时的纪录片集结了感恩…
  • Simone inherits a dilapidated farmhouse in France and makes her way there with her husband Eric and their two children. Her dream is to turn the house into a bed and breakfast but as the hectic pace of the rebuilding gets underway, she gets caught up in the romance and chaos of it all. Losing sight of her goals, she mu…