- The well received movie of 2005 "The Skeleton Key" has nothing to do with with "Skeleton Key 3, or it's predecessor, 2" both of the later are egotistical, self indulgent acting-out behaviors that one usually grows out of by the time they are out of high school, but in rare cases of prolonged adolesc…
- 当地时间七月七日上午,迈克尔·杰克逊的公众悼念活动在洛杉矶斯坦普斯体育中心举行。上午十时许,公众追悼会开始举行。杰克逊的家人、亲友及各界名流与一万一千名幸运歌迷一起向“流行天王”告别。迈克尔·杰克逊的灵柩被缓缓地推进会场,现场响起赞美诗:“我们将见到王者,不要哭泣……”。鲜花覆盖的灵柩被安放在舞台前方,舞台上方的大屏幕…