- Pay the Lady is an urban neo-noir thriller. Tired of being physically abused, Star Robinson, the girlfriend of a drug kingpin, plots to steal his Bitcoin fortune. In order to succeed, Star will have to lie, manipulate, seduce, and kill. In other words, she'll stop at nothing to come out on top.
- Claire et Sophie ont fait leurs études ensemble, elles sont toutes deux avocates. Claire va être accusée de tentative d’homicide sur enfant de moins de 15 ans. Sophie va assurer sa défense. Comment Claire, déjà mère de douze enfants, n’a-…
- About a week after the Woods family move in to Xaos House, their daughter Ellie goes missing during a power cut. Ellie's mother Keira investigates and finds that the walls have strange symbols engraved into them. After a number of terrifying supernatural experiences she comes to the conclusion that the house took E…
- 许愿,北京潘家园小古董店quot;四悔斋〃的老板,古董鉴宝界最具权威的quot;五脉梅花quot;家族之一许家,唯一的传人。为了楸出隐藏在五脉之中的〃老朝奉〃造假势力,许愿孤身一人入局破局,与 庞大的古董造假集团展开层层较量,却被设局指引牵扯出两幅《清明上河图》真赝难辨的惊天秘密。随着迷局的层层解开,境外神秘的造假势力也浮出水面,而这…