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  • 纪录片
  • This gem is quite unusual for italian films of the area. It's a contemporary actionthriller taking place in the Tunisian desert. Franco and Co. is a team of oilprospectors working for a huge corporation. At the same time the region is plagued by Redarmy-style terrorists. Franco is great as usual, so is the rest of the …
  • 科幻片
    Mavka, mermaid forest, and Lucas, a simple village boy, to love one another. But Lucas gave them a feeling for that, and was deprived of his musical gift - the ability to play the sopelke. Generous Mavka buy talent loved the price of his life.
  • 并不是每个初为人母的女人都会感到由衷的幸福,至少对于凯特琳那来说,刚诞生的女儿对她简直是一种折磨。对一切准备不足的她,一方面要面对哺乳恐惧症;另一方面又要应付家人和医生对于她无能照顾女儿的责问……影片入手角度独特,从成为母亲的不适应聚焦了现代女人的内心焦虑和家庭社会压力。而全片运用大量特写和近景的镜头语言以及移动摄影,…
  • 剧情片剧情
    里兹·阿迈德将集主演、编剧、制片人于一身参与新片[穆戈尔·毛戈利]。该片将是纪录片导演Bassam Tariq的剧情片处女作。影片将围绕一位英国籍巴基斯坦裔说唱歌手展开,在他第一次世界巡回演唱会的紧要关头,他却被一种表观遗传疾病打倒,而这种疾病很可能会毁掉他的演艺生涯。影片将于本月开始制作。
  • From "Mon initiation chez les Chamanes" by Corine Sombrun. In order to forget the death of Paul, the man of her life, Korine leaves Paris for a few weeks, to direct a report in Mongolia. Her meeting qigou.cc with the shaman Oyun will change her life: Korine has a rare gift that Oyun intends to unveil. Korine …
  • 剧情片剧情
    A naive young farmer saves up for five years to move to Bangkok and buy a taxi in hopes of making a better life for him and his son.
  • 恐怖片
    based on True Events: An Asian American Hacker investigates a website that creates torture videos. He becomes the unwilling sidekick for the sinister mastermind behind it, who changes his life in horrible ways.
  • 剧情片生活
    世界大战爆发,人们四散逃离。在逃亡中,姐姐Rain把妹妹Ada留在车上,独自到⼀座废弃的 屋中寻找物资,听到妹、妹的呼叫声后跑出来,发现妹妹凭空消失了。从此Rain便踏上了寻找妹妹的漫漫旅途。 世界⼤战的范围进一步扩大,整个地表笼罩在红色的毒雾中,Rain不得不躲到暂时的避难所——由女伯爵控制的地下拳场,跟其他拳娘一起,以打拳击比赛为…
  • Song is a story of the last Finnish rune singer and his pupil, and the comforting power of singing.