- 身在魔王军却不会使用魔法的暗黑士兵达利艾尔,以自己的才智和行动力爬上了四天王辅佐之位大显身手。然而在四天王刚一换代,达利艾尔就被解雇了。大失所望的达利艾尔彷徨在森林中,无意间遇到了一名被怪物袭击的少女!拯救了少女的达利艾尔在少女的“盛情招待”下来到了人类的村子。本想在暴露自己是魔族之前溜之大吉的达利艾尔却在少女的“请求…
- Mom and Dad have just moved into a new house and are preparing for their Baby daughter's first birthday. Balancing between work and family, Dad buys a gift in an unusual children's store without even looking into the box. And there are small animated toys - Malyshariki. While the parents are preparing for the holiday, …
- After goofball Rich accidentally decapitates his best friend Benny while trimming a Christmas tree with a machete, he s forced to go on a quest to find God s bong and use it to bring his friend back to life. Az the Demon and Boogar, everyone s favorite snot, are back in this over-the-top sequel to Cool as Hell. The big…