搜索 Roach

  • 传奇
    If you slay, you stay.In Legendary, a new HBO Max competition series that pulls from the underground ballroom community, voguing teams (aka "houses") must compete in unbelievable balls and showcase sickening fashion in order to achieve "legendary" status. The cast includes MC Dashaun Wesley and DJ M…
  • 多莉·帕顿拨动心弦
    你钟爱的多莉的歌曲,你期待已久的故事。《多莉·帕顿: 心弦之声》是一部选集剧集,展示了她最受喜爱的歌曲背后的故事、记忆和灵感。每一集都以多莉的新曲和经典之作为配乐。从爱情故事、励志故事到家庭剧、西部片和复仇题材喜剧片,每个故事都有不同的基调。
  • 全美超模大赛第二十三季
    第23季全美超模新秀大赛(American’s Next Top Model)强势回归!Tyra Banks退居幕后担任制作人,Rita Ora跨界担当主持,Ashley Graham, Drew Elliott, Law Roach组成全新一季评委阵容。新一季的主题为“Business,Brand,Boss”。ANTM从2003年第1季到2016年第23季,13年期间一直吸引着媒体的目光,每逢节目开播在全美的收视率居…
  • An action-packed, waking nightmare of relentless brutality and merciless revenge, set against the harsh landscape of rural Australia.
  • In a small Florida town, the inhabitants are mysteriously disappearing. A hard core biker arrives in search of his missing daughter. He learns that a malignant force from another dimension, a Souleater, is causing the disappearances. He teams up with a burned-out sheriff and a defrocked priest to battle the creature an…
  • Jolly是个单纯不开窍的人, 为此他屡屡闹出笑话而丢了工作. 与此同时公司老板的女友兼总裁女儿Monica被一个未知王国的王公绑架. 这个王公深信在Monica秘书处地下藏里他过去的宫殿. 于是他想尽办法要得到下水道平面图并安置炸弹, 最终控制孟买. Jolly否极泰来, 最终不仅赢得美人, 也将罪犯一网打尽.
  • Kapil's (Naseeruddin Shah) younger brother, Buntu, dies as a result of a drug overdose. Kapil vows to put an end to drugs and drug-dealers, by joining the police. He soon attains the title of C.I.D. Inspector. He lives in Bombay with his mom (Kamini Kaushal). One day his friend from Goa, Albert Pinto (Pankaj Kapoor) is…
  • 洪荒时代
  • 纪录片
    In the age of social media, this eye-opening documentary examines the rising phenomenon of “fake news” in the U.S. and the impact that disinformation, conspiracy theories and false news stories have on the average citizen. The film focuses…