- Laura has just arrived in Madrid to study at University. One night, she accidentally meets David, who has cerebral palsy. The relationship with the boy and his mother will give Laura the push she needs to overcome her complexes and insecurities and confidently enter a new phase. A story about that vital moment when any…
- 十八世纪中叶,法国民众正在国王路易十五的带领下享受战争带来的乐趣。由于连年战争导致兵员锐减,军队不得不四处召募青壮。英俊青年芳芳(Gérard Philipe 饰)流落小镇,与当地姑娘发生关系,为逃脱女方父亲的逼婚,芳芳只得加入军队。征兵军曹的女儿阿德琳(Gina Lollobrigida 饰)预言芳芳将成为将军,并迎娶国王的女儿。