- An old western town is populated entirely by cute young Catholic schoolgirls and shotgun toting nuns who have killed off the entire male population, the nuns teach their female students that all men are evil. The girls are championed by a superhero named "Panty Mask" who shows up wearing a leather bikini and …
- 上杉和也去世已经整整五年,达也(三ツ矢雄二 配音)和浅仓南(日高のり子 配音)而今都步入大学,展开全新的生活。小南在艺术体操方面卓有成就,即将赴罗马比赛;新田明男(井上和彦 饰)进入大学后大展风采,成为棒球界备受瞩目的新星。而达也,在与新田宿命的决战过后,却长达三年远离棒球,也许和也之死始终是二人无法逾越的鸿沟。小南无意…