- Luzviminda Dimagiba (Cherry Pie Picache) and her three gay sons: Oscar (Polo Ravales), Orson (John Prats) and Orwell (Jiro Manio) are back! And now they want to add a new member to their outrageous family – a cute little baby to make their new home happy and complete! But babies don’t just really just fall from heaven …
- 这是一个发生在普普通通的天井院内的故事。父亲田玉敏带着8岁的女儿妞妞生活,女儿不知父母已经离婚,以为妈妈远在美国。为了不使女儿受到伤害,田玉敏求助于同事耿梅。不料,一个电话被妞妞识破,田玉敏和耿梅无奈之中只好假扮夫妻,由此产生一连串的笑料……天井院早日一派热闹,如今由于搬迁,只剩下寥寥几户。李爷爷就住在田家对门,是妞妞…