- 「И наменятоже обрати внимание.」「啊?妳说什么?」「没有啊?我只是说『这家伙真的很蠢』。」「可以别用俄语骂我吗?」坐在我旁边座位的绝世银发美少女艾莉,轻轻露出夸耀胜利的笑容……然而实际上不是这样。她刚才说的俄语是:「理我一下啦!」其实我──久世政近的俄语听力达到母语水平。毫不知情的艾莉同学,今…
- Once in a Blue Moon, a single character comes along and makes the whole world laugh. From the moment Mickey Mouse appeared on the big screen whistling on a steamboat, Walt Disney's endearing little mouse captured hearts and tickled bones. And he hasn't stopped. Now, in celebration of the world's most famous and best-lo…
- 小头爸爸带全家去俄罗斯出差,大头儿子在俄罗斯发现了自己画的白夜城是真实存在的,一家人半路遇到交通事故,被迫夜宿小旅馆,第二天醒来发现身处大头儿子画中的世界——白夜城。他们发现如果不解决白夜城中的危机便无法走出这个世界,一家人在白夜城中经历了重重困难终于回到了现实世界。
- Dark and artistically uncompromising debut film about three young Russian women of the alternative generation who dream of a modern life of freedom but find themselves trapped. Alyona, Alika and Katya dream of love and friendship, but most of all of leaving Putin’s Russia. When the war against Ukraine breaks out, it b…