- 丹尼斯·杜根(《随波逐流 》、《长大成人》)将执导他的第一部独立电影《Love & Other Disasters》,该片是一部由女性主导的浪漫喜剧,讲述那些在婚礼上努力为相爱的夫妻创造完美一天的人们,而他们自己的关系是古怪的、疯狂的,远不是完美的。
- Centaurworld follows a warhorse who is transported from her embattled world to a strange land inhabited by silly, singing centaurs of all species, shapes, and sizes. Desperate to return home, she befriends a group of these magical creatures and embarks on a journey that will test her more than any battle she's ever fac…
- “We do know that our job is not ‘normal’, as much as the one of those working in the so-called acrobatic construction. But this does not mean that those who do sex work should be stigmatized and not considered serious enough. It’s just a …
- 《美国队长》刚上映不久,但因为票房成绩不错,续集已经开始启动了。据称影片仍然把背景设定在上世纪40年代,影片还会有莎朗·卡特以及猎鹰两个人物出现! 《美国队长》的结尾是美国队长被冰封然后在当代被救醒,那么续集该怎么拍呢?是拍在当代的美国队长还是继续讲以前的故事?编剧Chris Markus和Stephen McFeely正在为《美国队长2》的…