搜索 Rutherford

  • BBC地平线系列扮演上帝——合成生物学前沿
    Adam Rutherford meets a new creature created by American scientists - the spider-goat. It is part goat, part spider, and its milk can be used to create artificial spider's web.It is part of a new field of research, synthetic biology, with a radical aim: to break down nature into spare parts so that we can rebuild it ho…
  • 解剖之美
    Series in which Dr Adam Rutherford investigates the close relationship between discoveries in anatomy and the works of art that illustrate them.
  • 基因密码
    1. The Book of Life第一集 生命之书简介:基因,地球上一切具细胞结构的生命的共同点和差异点。整部地球生命史被篆刻在每一种生物的DNA中,生命之书由DNA密码书写的基因构成。基因造就了我们,我们也塑造了基因,基因保存着我们的过去,也预示着我们的将来。漫漫进化之路上,基因的千变万化让地球生命得以多姿多彩。基因的四倍化使脊椎动物登上…
  • 没有比这更伟大的爱
    父母与未婚夫在泰坦尼克海难中丧生后,年轻的埃德温纳-温菲尔德(Kelly Rutherford)就担负起了抚养三个年幼的弟妹的重任,并且接管了她父亲的报社。虽然她身边并不缺乏潜在的求婚者,不过失去所爱的记忆一直困扰着她,因此相较于婚姻,她宁愿把注意力集中在为孩子们提供一个稳定的家庭上面。可是她的努力疏远了一些孩子,他们有自己的计划要反…
  • 梦公司第一季
    An absurd workplace comedy set in a neglected dream therapy facility where a rotating cast of desperate patients have their dreams recorded and analyzed by Dream Corp's absent-minded professor, Dr. Roberts and his team of unremarkable scientists.
  • This episode looks at the issues that will change the way we live our lives in the future. Rather than relying on the minds of science fiction writers, mathematician Hannah Fry delves into the data we have today to provide an evidence-based vision of tomorrow. With the help of the BBC's science experts - and a few surp…
  • 年仅14的Robbie Hendrick的理想只是一个完整的家——奶奶,哥哥Lucas,同母异父的弟弟Fess,他还有妈妈。但Lucas终年在外游荡,他们精神状态不甚稳定的妈妈因害怕自己崩溃再度离家出走。Robbie一肩担起了照顾弟弟的职责。   密西西比又一夏,Lucas意外回家小住。Robbie只盼妈妈早日回来便能一家团圆。但是妈妈未见踪影,Lucas却游手好闲…
  • Hoping his son will attend his alma mater, Judge Hardy agrees to let Andy look for work in New York for the summer before committing to start college. In the big city, Andy is confronted with the harsh realities of life and love.
  • 这是一部很另类的恐怖电影,它讲述了六个美国人去参加一个日本的电视求生节目“切割机”,他们必须得战胜三名节目组派来杀他们的屠夫才能够存活下来,这些人各带着各自的目的来参加这个求生节目,并且要对付嗜血的医生、拿着电锯的疯子以及具有宗教色彩的杀手牧师……他们究竟能不能存活 ?这个节目的幕后制作人到底有什么样的目的?本片使用了…