  • 一个面临着发展挑战的年轻人,他热爱动物保护事业,他要说服家人以及整个社区的人,参与当地首届“认养狗的圣诞计划。”A developmentally challenged young man with a penchant for caring for animals in need sets out to convince his family - and their whole rural community - to…
  • Most people believe that German cinema during the 50's refused to tackle World War II and instead produced glossy historical romances ('Sissi', 'Ludwig II'), mindless Heimatfilme (the highly enjoyable 'Schwarzwaldmaedel' or 'Der Foerster vom Silbersee') or shrill, often exploitative melodramas (best of the crop: 'Nacht…
  • 一个刑满释放的年轻人回到家,发现自己的城市已经被当地的暴徒所控制,他决心要得到这座城市的唯一控制权。
  • 一個婦人無意間撞見最後一位連續兇殺案受害者的屍體後,開始日以繼夜的找尋這位連續兇殺嫌犯。 當警方沒有採納她的意見,她決定單獨行動,引發暴力而殘酷的結果…。
  • Through the story of a typical family Montenegrin generated by the almost documentary odslikao enthusiasm with which the Montenegrins visit to Dubrovnik serbian "went to revenge for the Battle of Kosovo in the fight against the American-vatikanske conspiracy, her mother NATO Covenant and everything else that was o…
  • At the Vietnamese hotel Hôi An, the hotel manager Markus Winter makes the acquaintance of the charming Nora. He is only too pleased to give her a tour of the country’s exotic beauty, all the while remaining unaware of her true intentions –…
  • 影片改编自著名作家兹威格的同名小说,由美国环球影片公司出品。   1885年,14的丽莎暗恋着住在隔壁的钢琴家斯蒂芬。风流的斯蒂芬常把女人带进他的寓所,而年少的丽莎则对那个神秘世界羡慕不已。即便搬走后她仍对钢琴家难以忘怀。当她出落成了一个美丽的女郎,回来寻找钢琴家,并同他发生了关系。钢琴家很快将丽莎如其他女子般遗忘。丽莎生下…
  • 剧情片生活
    Slam,大致可以翻译成“诗喃”,对大多数人来说或许是一个陌生的名词。这是一场艺术运动,起源于1986年,美国诗人Marc Smith希望能让诗从精英主义的高阁走下来,让诗歌的阅读更普及并且更加有趣,诗喃由此诞生。诗喃创作者不需要考虑统一的格律,只需要根据自己对生活的观察和感悟用他们喜欢的文字和风格表达出来,这一种超越,让诗喃本身承载着…
  • 喜剧片冒险
    ★ 在狼人家族继承人月圆之夜,却意外变身成一隻超萌贵宾犬,咩噗~进而展开一场疯狂逗趣又毛绒绒的奇幻冒险!★ 外表虽然有点重要...但相信自己的内心才是最强大的力量,才能成为真正的英雄!|导演:《猫头鹰的守护者》艾利克斯坦德曼|英语配音:《军法》伊莱史云戴尔《弑婚游戏》萨玛拉威明《欢乐合唱团》珍琳奇★故事大纲★福来弟即将继位成…
  • Ina Hofmann works in a toy factory. To welcome her egocentric new boss, she gift him a live fish, unaware that a mysterious man had cursed it. Her boss becomes small as a toy.