- 年轻的记者安娜接受一个令她惊喜的任务,报道一艘豪华邮轮的处女航,甚至可以带上她的女儿劳拉和丈夫斯万。斯万是个部队蛙人,正在执行任务,直到开船的最后一分钟才匆匆赶到船上。很快他就发现,船上有恐怖分子,而且他们以极快速度把船控制住,挟持所有乘客为人质,索要两千五百万欧元的赎金……
- In November 2018, 95-year-old Johann R. stands trial for accessory to murder in hundreds of cases. He is said to have been part of the camp supervision as an SS-man in the concentration camp Stutthof. Why did so many years pass until the start of the trial? What does the trial mean for the survivors of the Shoah and th…