- 若い女探偵が血の海の中で悶絶する、壮絶のソリッド・シチュエーション・エロチック・スリラー。元FBI捜査官の美人探偵が目を覚ますと、そこは謎の狭い地下室だった。あたりは暗く、首には鎖が巻かれていた。その場から脱出するには、目の前にぶらさがっている鍵を取らなくてはならなかったが、その為には耐え難い激痛と流血が必要だった。逃げ…
- As a young man in the late Sixties, Greg Davis served for three years in the U.S. Army in Vietnam. The area where he was stationed was one of many throughout the country sprayed by the military, as part of its counterinsurgency strategy, with millions of gallons of defoliants, including Agent Orange, which contains dio…
- *Shinjuku Mad* was one ofKoji Wakamatsu's six films from 1970. Grim and gritty, stark and steady, burdened with anti-moralizing, generously padded with sex, and totally redeemed by a soundtrack that needs to be released NOW. I knew nothing about this film, loading it up on to my laptop, and every last one of this film'…