- 继第一部电影的事件之后,萨扬来到了阿塔卡马沙漠,追寻着一个与她的任务有关的线索。她的任务是对抗Actaeon,这个跨国组织不仅使她的家庭悲惨凄凉,还破坏了智利各地的生态系统。
- In a boarding school, legend has it that a time capsule has been hidden in the walls. They say it could change the world. Today, the new students fall in love, play cards, dream and laugh in their rooms, which in turn become their own time capsules, like snapshots of a generation at 20 years old. 源自:www.visionsdureel.c…
- Eduardo Franco﹑Patrick Gibson﹑John Karna﹑Jane Ackermann﹑Siobhan Williams及Peter Friedman加盟USA试映集《毁灭战士之主 Masters of Doom》,这项目改编自David Kushner的纪实文学,由Tom Bissell负责剧本﹑Rhys Thomas来执导。 《毁灭战士之主》讲述两个看着不起眼的电脑天才John Romero及John Carma…