搜索 Sekhar

  • Lakshmi's NTR is all about the Former Chief Minister "Nandamuri Taraka Ramarao" life after entering into the politics and about why and how he married "Lakshmi Parvathi" qiwan.cc and how she played an important role in NTR's life makes the plot of the story.
  • 单亲爸爸为了谋生,每天加班在工地灭虫,受尽剥削,积劳成疾。敦促儿子练出强壮体魄,在适者生存的城市才有立足之地。儿子却面临校园欺凌,感觉跟父亲关系也愈来愈疏离,唯有在当兵的日子,置身丛林,他似乎更能掌握自己命运。新加坡导演姚志卫首部长片,刻划新加坡移民劳工生存困境,灭虫场景恍如人间炼狱。花谢落土不再回,祖母辈爱听的《雨夜…
  • 倾听印度东北部矿工的故事,其中包括勇敢的11 岁男孩苏拉杰。他在违法的采矿区工作,希望成就更美好的生活。
  • 欧布.雷迪强迫萨普娜嫁给他,并杀了 萨普娜的两个哥哥。萨普娜要逃去美国她叔叔那可半路就遇到欧布.雷迪,这时阿杰的出现解救了萨普娜。接下来阿杰和萨普娜又能不能摆脱欧布.雷迪呢
  • In 2003, a Pakistani Archaeologist Dr. M. Alam Siddiqui after seeking permission from the Government of Pakistan starts researching about the hidden treasure of King Kanishka whose treasure map is hidden in an old box whose key is a Garuda Locket which was last seen in the research books of David, a British Archaeologi…
  • This movie starts off with the assassination of Sanjeevayya (Suman), the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh and the subsequent turmoil in the organization of the state government. The last wish of Sanjeevayya is for his son, Arjun Prasad (Rana Daggubati), to become the next Chief Minister. However, Arjun's cousin Dhanunj…
  • 《出乎意料的一天》是一部2005年印度泰卢固语新黑色悬疑惊悚片,该片广受好评,并获得两项南迪奖(包括第二届最佳故事片奖)、一项南电影节奖和一项桑托舍姆电影奖。它被重拍为印地语的《星期日》(2008年)。影片开始时,一些人跟踪一个放学的小男孩。据透露,该人是前督察苏雷什·雷迪(贾加帕蒂·巴布饰)和他的同事一起缉获一名毒品走私犯,…