搜索 Selle

  • 不幸被抢劫并被卖到船上当苦力的查理临终前托付朋友瑞弗到怀俄明州去照顾他的妻子和女儿,并将半座农场送给他。为了完成对故人的承诺,瑞弗来到怀俄明州,奇怪的发现查理的妻子安认为丈夫两年前就已经去世了,他们的女儿也在一次不幸中丧生了,她正准备与当地的一位绅士结婚,安对瑞弗所说的遗嘱毫不相信,认为他是谋夺家产的骗子。为了保卫农场…
  • Both a real-life courtroom thriller and a moving human drama, The Uncondemned tells the gripping story of a group of young lawyers and activists who fought In Rwanda to have rape recognized as a war crime. Between the ages of 27 and 34, making up international criminal law as they went along, they probably had no busin…
  • 七個男人在20年前秘密涉入一件謀殺案,20年後他們各自在社會上佔有一席之地,直到一人被剝頭皮殺害。兇殺案小組必須找出連續殺人犯。得獎影星彼得洛梅爾主演。語言:法語
  • 斯蒂芬妮在新年前夜错手杀死丈夫,于是许愿能够时光倒转,当她走出电梯时果然心想事成:时间回到了一年前。原来斯蒂芬妮的丈夫是一个著名导演,一年前被一个陌生女子诱惑,两人有了私情,导演此刻正准备筹拍电影,陌生女子写了一个名叫《玻璃房子》的剧本给他,导演决定进行拍摄,但没想到该陌生女子别有用心,害的斯蒂芬妮的丈夫几近家破人亡。…
  • An avant-garde feature fantasy about The Beatles in Buenos Aires, en 1966 ?!
  • The famed French ideologue of the New Novel and author of Hiroshima Mon Amour creates a hypnotic film about five alienated people isolated in an unworldly hotel. Enmeshed in ritualistic power games, they continuously exchange personalities as each acts out his own ambigious charades. A highly stylized, non-logical dial…
  • errante, King of Portugal in the public interest, wants to marry his son, Pedro of Navarre Infanta. But Pedro for a year as married on Inez – a girl of noble birth, though,but not of royal blood. Ferrante painfully reflects on how he solve…
  • 当今天大多数罪案类剧集都过分渲染科技、心理暗示(或诱导)、口才的作用,或者为犯罪之人安排各种各样“令人同情”的理由,电视电影《Jesse Stone》系列却反其道而行之,坚持走侦探类剧集最基本的破案手段和元素。知名男星汤姆-塞立克(Tom Selleck)在剧中扮演主角杰西警探(Jesse Stone)。Jesse Stone过去是纽约市的一名警察,但因为酗…
  • 影片讲述一对在南北战争中处在对立阵营中的兄弟迈克和戴尔,在战争结束后结伴回家。然而他们发现故乡遭到一伙南方叛军的洗劫,许多人被掳去并即将被买为奴隶,包括他们的弟弟妹妹,还有戴尔的挚爱凯蒂。于是,一段新的拯救与冒险之旅开始了。