搜索 Semi

  • Semi-precious
    Semi-precious is a portrait of my mother, a retired holistic practitioner framed through her crystals, supplements, jewelry, healing instruments and household adornments. Handwritten labels populate the exteriors of these objects to recall their emotional or spiritual use and are a vital remedy to her memory loss. Geol…
  • 《银魂 THE FINAL》前传,分为万事屋、新选组两篇,是TV系列一半中止后的故事。
  • Liuba’s life hits an unlucky streak when she finds herself homeless, unemployed and single all in one day. Fortunately, an eccentric old lady offers her a place to stay until she finds her feet, and sure enough, Liuba is soon offered a job…
  • Five friends, up north for three days, one creature ... NO CHANCE !
  • 科幻片
  • 讲述了出生于三个年代的女人的故事。她们不仅因为血缘联系在一起,而且连对爱的态度也如出一辙。她们都迫切地渴望填补内心的空虚,以至于一时出卖道德和尊严也无所谓。电影的主角安琪是一个人气低迷的三线小明星,为了向母亲证明自己能出名,她不得不出演一部照本宣科的“真人秀”。她透过节目向观众展示自己的痛苦,观众们站在道德的制高点评判…
  • A number of inmates from a reformatory school are scheduled for release. As a condition for their discharge, it is specified that the younger boys should live either with their families or in government supervision centers. On the appointed date, however, Mohsen Ghaderi's parents do not show up to take their son. Anoth…
  • 4 documentary series collectively chapters told by the protagonists of the socialist and progressive processes in Latin America: former guerrillas, indigenous peoples, historians, and social activists in Guatemala and the region. They and they with their eyes, their contexts and music show us the seed and flower of a f…