搜索 Sener

  • 在民主德国的意识形态将同性恋视为资产阶级道德腐朽的残余的情况下,男同性恋如何且如何得以生活在民主德国的社会主义环境中?尽管同性恋自五十年代以来已摆脱法律惩罚,但环境的谴责以及顺应社会和性自由造成的压力依然存在。影片中包括作为个人主义者的理发师、曾建立同性恋协会的东德网络的神职人员等六名不同背景的男性公开谈论各自的社会经…
  • 影片展现在一个房间中,3个监狱外来的平民与来自戒备高度森严的四级牢房的犯人们接触,一起参加一个4天的心理治疗。过程中,每个人都必须深入挖掘自己的过去,他们逐渐走出内心的安全区域,彻底撕下自由人与囚犯彼此心灵之间的障碍和偏见,了解到他们的内心。这4天让囚犯们看到希望,也让来自监狱之外的人以不同的角度,真正了解自己的人生。
  • 宁静的夜晚,一阵突来的陨石雨袭卷天空,坠落四处的绿色陨石散发着一股神秘能量,让原本乖巧的狗儿们变得异常暴躁,甚至像有目的似地开始组织,疯狂攻击人类。在小镇陷入混乱之际,萝丝琳与她尚未变异的小狗夏普幸运逃过野狗攻击,但她们得赶在沦陷之前,尽快与家人会合,逃出这个狂犬肆虐的人间炼狱
  • 6度第二季
  • 6度第一季
    6Degrees is a late night university drama set in Belfast. The series follows six freshers arriving from throughout the UK and Ireland as they crash through their first term at university. Descending on Belfast, the lives of Jess (Georgia Maguire), Danny (Niall Wright), Conor (Cillian O'Sullivan), Sandie (Jayne Wisener)…
  • 美国中情局解密第一季
  • Storming Juno is a landmark 90-minute docu-drama based on the true stories and events that took place on D-Day, June 6, 1944 at the Juno Beach, where Canadian troops stormed ashore to join in the Allied invasion of Nazi-occupied Europe.   This important historical event will be told through the eyes of three young Cana…
  • With the world in financial turmoil, Kurt Wendell has lost his top job in the city but cannot bear to tell his family the dreadful truth. Luckily he's a man who knows how to make serious cutbacks... Granting his children a day off school and his wife a day off work, Kurt drives the whole family to a remote spot, miles …
  • When an incorruptible government pay clerk, who isn't taken seriously by anyone including his family, get robbed while carrying huge amount of work money, he becomes popular because people believe he faked the robbery and kept the money.