搜索 Seok

  • 空旷整洁的国际机场,明亮的两地窗前,一对情侣依依不舍,互述衷肠。雍容知性的女子是一位桥梁设计师,此番她即将飞往异国他乡做重要的演讲报告。她拥抱着深爱的男友,从胸口处取下心形的图案,悄然装进对方的口袋中。从这一刻起,她的胸口有了一个空缺,那失去的部分是两个人赖以维系的桥梁。无论在天空上,还是在报告大厅内,无论在街头巷尾,…
  • 改编自韩国同名热门成人Webtoon的动画电影《我的惹火上司》,剧情便有如总裁系列一般,描述男主角圣求成功咸鱼翻身跻身上流社会,此时曾害他人生跌落谷底的人物出现,于是圣求决定利用他所爱的女人,展开终极复仇。
  • 把李文烈的畅销书改编成电影的作品。第23届百想艺术大赏(申成日),第7届永平奖男子演技奖(申成日),音乐奖,第2届“东京国际电影节”,第42届国际电影节,第42届柏林国际电影节参展,第39届柏林国际电影节参展,第16届莫斯科国际电影节参展27岁的女性杂志《这里》的会员是过去在教书生活中经历的缘分,与成为画家的闵承佑重逢。会员在没有失去童…
  • In order to have help in raising his three children and in taking care of his house, a widowed principal of a junior highschool hires a live-in housekeeper. Unknown to him, the new servant is actually the mother of the man's eldest daughter who had been abandoned as an infant
  • Hyeon-shik, an underground rock singer whose songs touch the hearts of his fans due to their lonely lyrics, falls in love with a photo journalist. However, she breaks up with him just before their wedding and sends him down a road of drugs and alcohol abuse from which he may not recover
  • Jin-rang and her two sisters attempt revenge on the man who nearly killed her husband.
  • 两个人的命运,一个来自未来,一个来自过去,交织在一起,因为恶意病毒在第4级传播,一个数字游戏体验模糊了梦想和现实。