搜索 Seong

  • 剧情片爱情
  • The late Monk Beopjeong lived his whole life alone in a small temple in the mountains with no possessions. This human documentary of Monk Beopjeong from his childhood to his passing brings a person to his senses and gives limitless courage and overwhelming hope to live through this dangerous life. Giving sense of shari…
  • 身患骨髓癌的18岁女孩初熙活得很辛苦。同龄孩子们每天在外面玩耍,她却只能呆在自己的小屋,度日如年。为了与外面的世界沟通,初熙把自己的经历写成卡片寄给广播电台。但初熙的明信片没有得到答复,心疼好友的哲秀直接找到电台DJ,拜托他帮忙。后来电台播出了初熙的故事,初熙也准备以DJ的方式走完自己的最后历程。初熙再次面对死亡的威胁,内心…
  • 所有的悲剧皆因初恋的破灭开始。   1985年,中学时代的一对挚友胜浩和东植同时暗恋纯洁的少女明熙,两人决定赌一下明熙心中到底喜欢喜欢谁。谁知,次日惨剧发生——明熙被奸杀,呈现在众人面前的是一具冰冷的尸体。警察出动,在村庄里展开侦讯,最后怀疑的目光集中在东植那个精神不太正常的哥哥庆植身上……   1991年,已是大学生的胜浩因参…
  • It is raining heavily one morning when the breaking news about the unidentified virus spreading across the country is aired on television. Despite the efforts of the mother to save her family, other members of the family have all been infected by the virus. They are now turning into strange monsters that leer without s…
  • A Korean journalist living in Hong Kong, returns to Korea to cover the outbreak of the war. He leaves behind the woman he loves. He returns three years later, but many things have changed for both of them
  • Mistakenly believing that the mother he has never known is being held against her will in a villa of a wealthy man, Ki-woo begins a revenge plot by raping the man's daughter. His mother, however, was kept in the villa for medical treatment. Upon hearing what her son has done, she commits suicide. Ki-woo also learns tha…
  • A man returns to a fog enshrouded village where he had recovered from a lung infection many years before. He meets an innocent young girl there and the two fall in love. Their happiness is marred however by his refusal to take her to Seoul.
  • Ji-hyeon learns that his older sister is a prostitute when his wedding is suddenly called off by his fiance's father who had employed her services. His sister, Jeong-yeon, had found this employment necessary in order to raise her two younger siblings after their parents had died. Jeong-yeon's brother and sister are far…
  • 剧情片剧情
    阿娜伊斯 30 岁,身无分文。她有一个男友,但她不确定自己是否爱他了。她遇到了出版商丹尼尔,丹尼尔立即爱上了她,但阿娜伊斯又爱上了丹尼尔的同居伴侣艾米莉。这是一个不安的年轻女子的故事,同时也是一个关于内心欲望的故事。