- 二流棒球运动员蒙弟,当他最穷困潦倒时,舅父的三亿美元遗产从天而降,只要他在一个月内先将三千万美元花掉就可继承,于是种种五花八门的花钱方法陆续粉墨登场。本片的故事犹如一个现代童话,对现代人的金钱观念进行了嘲讽,其中最有意思的一段,是蒙弟一掷千金参加纽约州长竟选,但竟选标语却是“谁也不要选",对金钱贿赂选举的丑恶现象讽…
- Pacific Overtures is a musical with music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, a libretto by John Weidman, and additional material by Hugh Wheeler. The musical is set in 1853 Japan and follows the difficult Westernization of Japan, through the lives of two friends caught in the change. The title of the work is ironic, noddi…