搜索 Shahbaaz

  • 阿伦.库玛尔是一名印度政府的特工,也是一名英勇的军官。他被派往克什米尔执行新任务,在那里认识了当地乡村的女孩雷什玛,并与她相恋,订下婚约。就在订婚当天,一场爆炸分开了两人,虽然两人都幸存了下来,但是雷什玛却失踪了。阿伦没有多余时间来寻找她,因为他必须要完成任务——找出巴基斯坦ISI领导伊沙汗的阴谋并摧毁它。 阿伦追踪伊沙汗…
  • "Jaani Dushman: Ek Anokhi Kahani" which I found under the bootleg title "Indian Terminator: Fight the Matrix".This perfectly describe this movie: it is an action/horror movie in which a giant demon snake becomes a terminator-like killer which, using Matrix-like kung fu moves and bullet time effects,…
  • 动作片恐怖
    【内容简介】 在权力角逐的中东地区上演着惊心动魄的谍对谍。由宝莱坞帅哥赛尔夫?阿里?汗领衔主演的特工Vinod受上头之托 准备铲除恐怖组织在地势力,精彩的爆破画面加上对打情节堪称“印度版的007”。 片中特工Vinod在调查自己搭档死因时,意外牵扯进一个神秘的组织,并揭发该组织试图引爆核爆的重大阴谋,也因为如此让他陷入了危机, 在生命受…
  • 莫卧尔绝恋
  • 士兵唐戈·恰利的日记里记载了几个故事:在东北密林里,与寻求独立的波多武装分子战斗;护送高官家人,途中遭遇毛派分子伏击;在古吉拉特的骚乱中,向示威人群开枪;在孟加拉红色恐怖期间,保卫地主家的婚礼;在克什米尔战场上,扼守雪山中的一座大桥。作为战争片,这里有残酷血腥的战场重现,和激荡人心的英雄情怀;当然啦,也少不了浪漫老套的…
  • 卡卓尔和三个孩子遇到了危险,他们的拉朱叔叔不见了,坏人要霸占他们的一切并要杀死他们。谁会去救他们呢?卡卓尔现实中的老公扮演了从天而降的假拉朱叔叔,喜剧环生,童趣非常,爱情之喜剧经典老片不容错过。
  • Two retired colonels are at loggerheads with each other because one of them had been a traitor to the country. The grandson of the traitor and the grand-daughter of the other colonel fall in love but have to surmount a number of obstacles, including the one created by the girl's grandpa, before uniting in matrimony. Th…
  • A mother gives birth to twins. Unfortunately, they are separated. One of the children ends up in neighbouring Pakistan and grows up a devout Muslim named Tauheed, while the other grows up as a Hindu named Ajay. With the on-going rivalry and hatred between the two countries, both find themselves on the opposite side, an…