搜索 Shubham

  •   影片以生活在土耳其小城mardin 的铁匠纳扎莱特的平静生活开场,他有贤惠的妻子和一对可爱的双胞胎女儿。然而一战爆发,一天深夜,土耳其警察敲门将他从家中带走,苦难的历程拉开帷幕。在逃脱苦工、饥饿,大屠杀等一系列灾难后,他最终获得自由,并得知一对女儿还活在世上,从此生活的全部目的就是为了找到她们。土耳其到黎巴嫩,古巴再到美…
  • 喜剧片剧情
  • After a series of bomb blasts in Hyderabad a special ATS team lead by officer Desai name Yasin Darji as the suspect. Following a tip-off, the team reaches a location to arrest Yasin only to end up arresting Sameer, the wrong guy. While the error needs to be fixed, the higher authorities decide to bargain with Sameer fo…
  • 剧情片
    玛丽(朴雅卡·乔普拉 Priyanka Chopra 饰)从小就是一个脾气火爆的女孩,一次偶然中,她捡到了一副拳击手套,这就是她和拳击这项运动结缘的开始。顺其自然的,玛丽进入了拳击圈,开始了成为一名拳击手必经的训练,只是,玛丽对于拳击的理解可能和现实有少许的偏差,她只将拳击当做是一种和别人打架的手段而已。在教练的精心调教之下,玛丽成长…
  • 圆环第一季
  • The stories of four individuals intertwine in a maze of Himalayan countryside, village buildings, and the local social microcosm. With a captivating internal rhythm and the stylistic elements taken firmly in hand, the film presents a narratively courageous look at the region’s social web and the influence of cultural i…