搜索 Shun

  • 影片以一个警察自杀的场面开始。接着一个冷漠粗暴的男子在夜总会里痛殴黑帮小喽罗,却被该黑帮的老大看中请他做事,他很快成了帮会里的红人。与此同时他又和该帮会的死对头频繁接触,引发了两派之间的激烈斗争。原来这一切都是由于那起自杀事件所引起。
  • 动作片励志
  • Das Wassup follows the band 'Yo Majesty' through its trials and tribulations as they are making it in the music industry and not. The Band consists of three vocalists from Tampa, Florida, the producer team and record label is from the UK. The three lead women of the band had difficult upbringings and they fought hard t…
  • In response to the growing power of African Americans in the country, a chemical biologist (Dr. Phil Stain) has developed a drug that causes black people to kill each other. Testing for the drug was conducted in Chicago and has now been scheduled for Los Angeles. Nino Scar is the first person to ingest the drug uninten…
  • 爱情片爱情
  • On the novel of the same name by Dmitry Nagishkin.About the final stage of the struggle for Soviet power in the Far East, about the revolutionary youth of those heroic years.Vladivostok, 1922. The underground organized an escape of comrades arrested by counterintelligence. Among the organizers are Komsomol member Vital…
  • 国产剧革命
    辛亥革命成功,革命力量群龙无首,上海督军陈其美借17省革命政府代表之名义,电请流亡法国的孙中山回国就任大总统。不料在马赛港,孙中山险遭清廷“复仇女神”枪杀;在零丁洋,孙中山所乘丹佛号轮突遇“海盗皇后”围攻;孙中山举行第二次革命失败后,再度流亡海外;而窃国大盗袁世凯却被几位女革命党人所暗杀。 该剧塑造了孙中山、女侠尹锐志尹…