- Simonetta Stefanelli stars as Lucrezia Borgia in Luciano Ercoli's version of the early life of this fascinating historical persona. If the accuracy of the historical facts may be drawn into question, Ercoli certainly cannot be contested in his attempt to bring all the more sensational and lascivious details to the scre…
- A touching, unexpected friendship anchors this stark, first-person window into psychosis – blurring the lines between reality and hallucination, fantasy and terror. In Alien Food, filmmaker Giorgio Cugno plays his own lead character Alber…
- 福克斯和他同党在康特索棱城堡盗窃德拉克洛瓦的巨幅油画时,一位陌生人阻了他的财运。盗窃得手,匆忙脱身时他们把油画卷起来藏在屋顶的排水沟里。他们所不知的是,破坏他们偷盗计划就就是卡伦,她晚上做贼,白天却是一个保险代理商。歪打正着情,她偏偏又是福克斯的前任女友。几年前福克斯为了和他现任女友安德烈娅在一起就抛弃了她。福克斯期待…
- 马克斯·克纳和妻子安德烈娅,儿子卢卡斯似乎过着平静的生活。但事实并非如此。马克斯白天是个性格温和的古文物研究家,晚上,他又变回了那个臭名昭著的小偷“福克斯”,他和桑德拉、勒内一起偷富济贫,马克斯把这看作自己的事业。他老婆安德烈娅知道他的个性,并随时帮助他,但是他们能瞒得过马克斯的妈妈玛莎吗?福克斯把这次行动目标锁定在银…