- 本部记录片列举了你被上帝召唤前,一定要去享受的五十种天下美味,要不真的就妄走了人世一遭。影片用倒叙的方式从第五十位开始向你介绍这些美食:馅饼、鱼子酱、哈吉斯肠、挺举鸡/猪肉、tapas、烤牛肉、排骨、章鱼、水果梿、芒果、澳洲肉类饼、扇、kebab、驯鹿、barramundi、糕、寿司、鲨鱼、几内亚猪、鹿肉、鲑鱼、美国早餐、鱿鱼、墨西哥食物…
- Sassy Dixie Daisy is the hot new attraction at a former opera house that's been turned into a burlesque theater. She's popular with the customers, although not with Lolita La Verne, a stuck-up diva who was hoping she'd get the top spot. Also complicating matters is the return of the Princess Nirvena, the show's former …
- Christopher is an ambitious college freshman, striving to become a writer. Through a computer fault he's assigned the same room as Alex, a real party freak and... a girl! He's annoyed and tries to get a different room as soon as possible, but when he learns to know her, he also starts to like her. She not only improves…