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  • 爱情片剧情
    文佳宜(林青霞 饰)是一个普通的女孩,和药厂研究院叶坚(江明 饰)交往已久,不出意外的话,两人日后一定会幸福的携手步入婚姻的殿堂。然而,在文佳宜的内心里,常常对两人的这段感情抱有一丝丝的疑惑,直到有一天,借助在她家的表哥高宁(秦祥林 饰)提出要搬走时,文佳宜才震惊的发现了自己内心里对于高宁的感情。实际上,高宁也深爱着文佳…
  • Arihote, a Kanienkehaka 'Mohawk', sometime war photographer, whose life is in a rut, witnesses a revenge killing in Montreal by Wedad, a Palestinian refugee. Suddenly, he is overwhelmed by the past as he tries to piece together the present. The characters in Standstill have seen their attempts to move forward thwarted …
  • 战争片
  • 因无能力爸爸养不起家庭,家庭走斜坡路,父母离婚的京秀之家....
  • Historical Drama which take us to the end of Ayuttaya era, into the new dynasty Rama. The story will start in San´s childhood with the futur king, Rama I, who save Siam from the lost battle agains Kambocha, move the capital city to Krung T…
  • Three young women come together in college and quickly determine that one has never had an orgasm, they quickly decide that they are going to make sure she has one (thus the not too subtle film title). The three then set out a sexual adventures. One takes up with a popular, arrogant boy who is of course more interested…
  • Pacific Overtures is a musical with music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim, a libretto by John Weidman, and additional material by Hugh Wheeler. The musical is set in 1853 Japan and follows the difficult Westernization of Japan, through the lives of two friends caught in the change. The title of the work is ironic, noddi…
  • 剧情片剧情
    男女交融,天地全一,人气作品,票房金榜!\r\n  印度果阿从十六世纪起就流传一个悲惨的爱情故事。一对美国未婚夫妇来果阿旅游,未婚夫却是五百年前的爱情故事男主角的再生,遇到了已嫁人的女主角,经过生死的搏斗,悲惨的故事似乎要重演,但最终这对恋人逃过了死劫。