- After a recent break-up, Alma tries to get her life back on track. But with no job, no qualifications and a rebellious streak a mile wide, it is not going to be easy. Meanwhile, her heroin-addicted mum has been sectioned for arson, and her vampish grandma Joan wants nothing to do with it.A bitingly funny and unflinchin…
- A private investigator is forced into a dangerous alliance with a killer. They will try to uncover a quiet town's grisly criminal underbelly and clear the name of her mentor, who is implicated in the crimes.
- 贫困潦倒的弗兰克一家育有五子,第六个孩子也即将出生,另一对律师中产夫妇则无法生育,两家人开始了一场游走于法律暗面的交易。影片用悬疑片的类型桥段颇有新意地包装了人口贩卖这个旧主题,角色的阶层差异难掩人性共通,律师知法犯法更显无奈与讽刺。该片使用特殊的1.50:1画幅收紧了景别,聚焦人物表情与心理状态,凸显出法律秩序下的个体选择…
- 该剧由Chris Kelly和Sarah Schneider创作、撰写并制片,Lorne Michaels参与制片。故事描述一个29岁的年轻演员(Drew Tarver)对自己的前途感到十分郁闷——他有出色的演技,本该前途无量,可为什么他只能报名试镜《在聚会上闻臭屁的男人》(Man At Party Who Smells Fart)这种龌龊的三流片子呢?他的姐姐Brooke(Heléne Y…
- In development for nearly a decade, The Trainer is based on an original story by Schnabel. The film unfolding over eight days of sleep-deprived chaos follows Jack (Schnabel), a down-on-his-luck fitness expert living with his mother in Los Angeles, who takes a maniacal swing at fame and fortune, trying to realize his ve…