搜索 Sporrer

  • 莎拉與好友們打算在她意外繼承的一棟古宅度過周末,當她們找到了一塊古老的通靈板,她們尚不知道它與這棟古屋的秘密緊密相連,並且即將喚醒一股邪惡力量。為了掙脫未知的恐怖力量,她們被迫面對自己最黑暗的恐懼與惡夢。
  • Germany refuses to receive any more refugees. The only way to obtain citizenship is to survive the popular TV show 'Immigration Game'. Whoever participates as a 'Runner' will www.ysgou.cc be abandoned on the outskirts of Berlin and must make their way to the television tower at Alexanderplatz. For a prize money every G…
  • When Maddy Stern discovers her father has gone missing during a routine birdwatching excursion, she and her college pals trek out into the wilderness to find him, only to end up in a wealthy scientist's desolate ranch aviary, where they encounter a pair of giant, hungry terror birds believed to be extinct for centuries…
  • 如何才能找到真爱?看看这部影片吧!佛罗莱恩有着一般德国血统、一半法国血统。但他的法式浪漫却被德国姑娘认为极不靠谱,追女屡屡受挫。在柏林开了一家名叫”Le Flo”的法式熟食店,专卖法式蒜味腊肠。当他遇到一位法国导演的女儿卡米尔时,佛罗莱恩一见倾心。他兴奋地向卡米尔求婚,却不知卡米尔已经和一个电影明星订婚了。《美味餐厅》片中的…